Diocese of Gokwe
St. John’s Cathedral

Bishop Eusebius Jelous Nyathi
Bishop of Gokwe Diocese
The Diocese of Gokwe, cut off from the Diocese of Hwange, was erected on 19 October 1991. The Diocese comprises the Civil Districts of Gokwe North and Gokwe South, the area of Omay between the Sengwa and Sanyati rivers in the Kariba District, and the area of Nkayi District, north of the Shangani river.
It is bounded on the North by the Kariba Lake, on the east by Kariba and Kadona Districts, on the south by Kwekwe and Nkayi Districts, and on the west by Lupane and Binga Districts.
Area: 26,000 square kilometres
Population: 600,000
Catholics: 79, 158
Diocesan Feastday: Conversion of St. Paul (January 25)
Bishop’s House
Sasame 2 Area,
P.O.Box 90,
Tel: 059 2396
Fax: 059 2382
E-mail: [email protected]