Education Commission

“Go out and teach all the nations…”

Education Commission

“Go out and teach all the nations…”

Bishop Rudolf Nyandoro

Sr. Theresa Nyadombo

National Education Coordinator

The Catholic Education Commission of the ZCBC exists to offer a service on the other one hand to the members of the Conference itself, and on the other hand, to the responsible authorities, primary and secondary schools, teacher training colleges and all those persons and institutions engaged in the work of catholic education in Zimbabwe.

The Commission will communicate to those concerned the policies and decisions of the Conference in Educational matters. The Education secretary will attend the regular administrative meetings of the conference and will render whatever assistance may be required to Secretary General of the Conference.

The Inspiration for the work of the Catholic Education Commission comes from the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to “go out and teach all the nations”. To carry out her saving mission, the church uses, above all, the means which Jesus Christ has given her. She also uses other means which at different times and in different cultures have proved effective in achieving and promoting the developments of the human person. The Church adapts these to the changing conditions of emerging needs of mankind. In her encounter with differing cultures and with man’s progressive achievements, the church proclaims the faith and reveals to all ages the transcendent goals which alone gives life its full meaning. She establishes her own schools because she considers them as a privileged means of promoting the formation of the whole man, since the school is a centre in which a specific concept of the word of man and of history is developed and conveyed.

The Commission is directed by the ZCBC Education Secretary in liaison with the diocesan education secretaries and the education delegates of the conferences of Major Religious superiors, who are the members of the commission, and any other person(s) whom it may be considered appropriate to co-opt from time on time.

The Education Commission acts as a means of Communication, in educational matters, between the Conference and CMRS/CMSWR. The Commission also Co-ordinate the representation of the secretaries at the meetings of Church Education Secretaries of the heads of Denominations.

The Commission will co-ordinate the representation of the conference in Educational matters to the ministry of Higher Education and the ministry of Education and Sport and Culture ,either directly, or through Heads of Denominations, in respect of curricula affecting the educational institutions of the Church in Zimbabwe.

The Commission will coordinate the representation of the Ministry of Labour in respect of matters of policy, Legislation and regulations affecting the remuneration and conditions of the employees of the educational institutions of the Church in Zimbabwe.

The ZCBC Education Commission provides a channel of communication and interaction amongst the educational institutions of the church and ensure that the entire catholic education network in Zimbabwe forms a lively cohesive community

Our Vision

  • Christ’s teaching as their guiding principle
  • Foster holistic growth and development
  • Hold the sacredness of creation and life in trust
  • Cultivate a spirit of discipleship and family
  • Provide character formation, academic, vocational, technical, professional skills
  • Incorporate cultural values consistent with Christian values
  • Recognizes parents as primary educators
  • Have dedicated staff and head who lead by word and example
  • Are guided by policies based on Christian and moral values
  • Develop a Christian world view
  • Foster personal relationship with Christ (Congress 1995)

Zimbabwe Catholic Schools

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