National Pastoral Centre Commission

Fr. Mgcini Moyo

National Pastoral Coordinator

The Pastoral Centre is at the service of the ZCBC. It is a separate entity from the General Secretariat at ZCBC and has its own independence and initiative.


The overall objectives of the Pastoral Centre is to serve the ZCBC in its co-ordination of the pastoral effort by means of research, information, liasion and facilitation in formation.

  1. To obtain information on pastoral programmes, on experts available to help in pastoral matters and material available.
    • Inside the country, in the various jurisdictions, institutions, church bodies and movements
    • Outside the country
    • In other denominations.
  2. To prepare material where necessary and to adapt and translate existing material to aid pastoral programmes.
  3. To suggest to ZCBC pastoral experiments and to conduct and supervize them as authorized by ZCBC
  4. To disseminate information and material by means of a regular publication “Pastoral Service”
  5. To disseminate information and material by means of liasion with ZCBC, Episcopal Commissions and National Bodies, Diocesan programmes and Religious superiors.

Africa Synod House

29/31 Selous Avenue (Cnr 4th St.)
P. O. Box CY738
Causeway, Harare, ZIMBABWE

Phone: 00 263 4 739617
Fax: 00 263 4 739617
Cell: 00 263 912 769 023
E-mail: [email protected]