Fr. Johanes Maseko
ZCCL / NCYC Coordinator
Fr. Johanes Maseko joins the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference as the Coordinator for the Zimbabwe Catholic Commission for the Laity (ZCCL). The Commission is basically of the Lay Apostolate and cares for all lay spiritual movements, guilds and with particular interest in the Youth.
The commission seeks on behalf of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference to harmonise all Lay associations and movements under a unified umbrella and work together to achieve a common goal and mission as members of the same family. The commission broadly is there to promote the Apostolate of the Laity as a sign of a renewed understanding of the Church as mystery of missionary communion, of growing awareness of the dignity and responsible participation of the Lay faithful.
The commission is there to listen and dialogue, attentively discerning the environments in which the Laity are living, the needs and possibilities of salvation.